Thursday, 29 March 2018


Welcome to the Easter Celebrations in Nursery!

We have really enjoyed celebrating Easter in the Nursery. There were lots of activities, competitions and loads more to do. Read on to find out more....

We really enjoyed making  chocolate Easter nests and learnt lots of new words like, melting, stirring mixing, crunching (to name a few.)

Look at our finished product! They looked amazing and tasted even better 👍👍😋😋

We also took part in the Easter egg competition and made our Easter hats for the Easter Bonnet parade.

We walked with our parents and teachers around the school and then into the junior playground.

The children from the juniors and infants cheered us along as we walked by through the playground.

Our teachers sang the 'Chick, Chick, Chick Chick Chicken' song and demonstrated how to walk down the catwalk.

We then sang our special Easter song 'Spring in our toes' and everyone enjoyed it.

This was followed by our fantastic catwalk show and everyone clapped and cheered when they saw our super hats!

 Well done Nursery, you did youselves, your parents and your teachers proud!!!

Wednesday, 28 March 2018


This term, the Nursery have launched their new topic:


We have been really excited to set up our new role play area. The new role play area is: 

'The Holiday Shop'.

At the start of the week, during soda, we made a mind map of what we knew about going on holiday.

 These mind maps helped our language and communication skills. We also answered Who, Where and What questions and were able to build on our memory skills by recalling past events, which in turn, will help with our story telling (using Colourful Semantics.)

My grand dad went to Pakistan on an aeroplane" said Aydin.

 We had some very INTERESTING conversations (to say the least!). We talked about holiday destinations (building on our geography skills) and what we might take with us (suitcases, tickets etc).


'Hello! Where would you like to go' asks Tasneem.

All the children helped to make resources for the role play area. We had some fantastic pictures of different types of transport that we might use to go to our holiday destination. These pictures have been displayed in the role pay area. A few examples can be seen below:

'I am drawing an aeroplane' said Zainab.

When the holiday shop was nearly ready, we did lots of dressing up and were getting ready for our holiday.

As you can see, Miss Clarkson is going to a very cold country!!!!!

The children were busy packing their cases!

Suitcases were packed and tickets and passports were ready too! As you can see, we are looking for some amazing sites and views using our binoculars.

Please come over to Nursery if you are fed up of the weather and would like to find some sun, sea and sand!!!!

Nursery Test
