We started off our topic by bringing in our family photos and talking about our families.
We learnt all about the different parts of our bodies and what we use them for. We looked in the mirror and drew our faces.
Nursery enjoyed finding out about their senses. We smelt different scents, tasted different flavoured crisps and touched different textures.
"The coffee smells horrible." "The crisps are yummy."
"Jam smells nice."
We all bought in a picture of ourselves, when we were babies. We talked about how we have changed.
We had lots of fun using a variety of collage materials to make our own paper plate faces.
The children have enjoyed a range of creative activities related to our topic. We used play dough and natural resources to make faces.
We read the story of Goldilocks and The Three Bears and made porridge, turned our home corner into the Bears house, role played the story and developed our mathematical vocabulary related to size.
To end our topic we talked about what we would like to be when we grow up.
We talked about all the different ways that we look after ourselves such as personal hygiene, exercise and healthy eating. Daniella the Dentist came to visit and checked our teeth. We learnt how to brush our teeth correctly and why it is important to look after them.
"Sweets are bad for your teeth." |
"Cavities come if you don't brush your teeth."
We finished off our topic by talking about what we would like to be when we grow up.
My. my, what a fantastic time Nursery children are having...Family photos, lots of fun learning and a visit from a very memorable looking dentist...Thanks to all the staff for the hard work you put into stimulating the children's curiosity.x