Nursery have been developing their knowledge and understanding skills all about minibeasts that live in the garden.
We set up or own garden role play area. The children enjoyed hunting for minibeasts and learnt the names of lots of creatures that live in the garden...
Nursery had their very own insectarium where they enjoyed selling insects to each other.
We had our own very reading garden in a tent, where we enjoyed lots of stories about minibeasts.
The children have been developing great imaginative and creative skills! Look at these amazing minibeasts they made using play dough.
We read the story of 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' and drew the life cycle of a butterfly.
We learnt all about symmetry and created symmetrical butterflies.
We developed our fine motor skills and made our very own 'cheerio caterpillars.'
After listening to the story of 'The Bad Tempered Ladybird', we made our own ladybirds and counted how many spots they had.
Some super adding going on in Maths!
The Nursery children absolutely loved the story of 'Super Worm.' They enjoyed exploring sensory spaghetti worms. We developed language related to textures.
We visited 'Welford Wormery' and held the worms. We couldn't quite find a worm as super as 'Super worm.'
In Maths we developed vocabulary related to length and made our own long and short worms.
We had lots of fun exploring minibeast prints.
Our absolute favourite story related to our 'Down in The Garden' topic was 'Jack and The Beanstalk.'
The Nursery children enjoyed role playing the story through small world play.
We learnt what things can be grown and planted our own beans.
Mrs Kumar threw some magic beans outside......
Look what's grown outside!!!
How did the Giant get there??????
We found lots of giant footprints left in Nursery and compared our feet sizes with each others, developing our vocabulary related to size.
How many cubes did you use to make your beanstalk?
The children developed their mark making skills and learnt how to draw minibeasts.