Monday, 24 June 2019

Around The World

Lets Visit Pakistan and India.....

This week we have been around the world to visit Pakistan and India. We started off the week by reading 'The Runaway Chapatti.'

We decided to make our own chapatti. The children made the dough.

We kneaded the dough.

The children had butter on their Chapatti's.

Good Job Mrs Kumar. They look delicious!
The children seem to think so too.

The children enjoyed dressing up in traditional Asian clothes.

We discussed the importance of water and where we get our water from. The children learnt how people in India and Pakistan went to the water well and got their water.   The children then had a go. They carried the bucket of water on their heads like many people in India and Pakistan do. 

s: "Its very heavy."
E: "They must get tired."















Monday, 17 June 2019

Our New Topic: All Around The World

Our topic for this half term is:

"All Around The World"

We launched our new topic by setting up a travel agents.
We learnt how to choose and book our dream holidays.

We packed all the things we needed to go on holiday.

The children learnt how to use money for a purpose to pay for their holidays.

"My ticket for Disney Land."

"Time to relax on the aeroplane."

We made our own passports.
We listened to the story "Whatever Next" and decided where we would like to go and made our own holiday checklists.
"Look at my aeroplane."
This week we are reading the story of "The Runaway Chapatti" and learning about the countries Chapatti is eaten in. We have been making flags.
We enjoyed making the dough ready for our Chapatti's.  Look out for our round, perfect Chapatti's later on in the week.

Eid Activity Day

                                                  We had lots of fun with our parents.

                                                  We made Eid food out of play dough.
                                                    We had mehndi patterns on our hands.

 The children enjoyed learning an Eid dance, which they performed to their parents.

Nursery Test
