Wednesday, 19 December 2018

Nursery Christmas Celebrations 2018!!!

Look at all the fun we had celebrating Christmas this week in Nursery.

We made Christmas hats and decorated them using lots of shiny paper and glitter.


 Our parents came to help us make our hats, cards and calendars. We really enjoyed having our parents join us during our Christmas Activity afternoon.

We made paper chains and had a competition to see who made the longest paper chain.


 Father Christmas came to Nursery with his very own beautiful Angel helper.


Don't they look fabulous together?

 Then we had our Christmas party!

Thank you parents for all the food.

 We danced to Jingle bells and Lots of Christmas songs too. 

 Look at our lovely snowman cards!

 Look at our colourful calendars we made for our families.

The Nursery have had so much fun this week and we are so happy to share our hard work and experiences with you all.

Nursery Test
