The Nursery children have had lots of fun this term learning about their Autumn 1 topic....
We would like to share our learning with everyone...
Our Role Play area is the Three Bear's house...
Learning about size during our maths activities was so much fun!
Feel free to come and have a cup of tea and some porridge!!!
We looked in the mirror and made our faces using paper plates, paints and various collage material. Then we put them in a long line to make our very own caterpillar for our fabulous display.
Talk about Double Trouble!!!!!
Then we put them in a long line to make our very own caterpillar for our fabulous display.
Our Learning Journey display is coming along beautifully. What do you all think?
We did handprints and compared the sizes of our hands.
We made special hearts for people we love and learnt how to use the scissors carefully and with good control.
We also drew pictures of our families developing our pencil control and mark making skills.
We hope you have all enjoyed hearing about what Nursery have been learning during this very busy Autumn term. We look forward to sharing our experiences with you all even more next term....